
I  got  the  PlayStation Registration Demo #1 yesterday, and Tomb Raider
was  in there (yay!).  So, here's a small glitch and a "cheat" I found a
few minutes ago ...


Try  and kill an enemy so they land on something movable (ie.  a movable
block).  Then move the movable object.  eg.

On  level  one,  where  you  have to move that blue block forward, which
leads  into  the  room  with  the  bats and keys.  When you've moved the
block,  stand  on  it  and then kill the bat that flies down to you.  It
should land on the block.  Get off the block and move it either forwards
or   backwards.   It'll  be  suspended  in  the  air.   Looks  like  the
programmers ignore the object once it's died.


When  you  pick-up  a  medipack,  it  appears in the bottom-right of the
screen  for  a  couple  of  seconds.   I  pressed  Select  (to go to the
Inventory)  and  the  Medipack  was  in there.  I selected it and got my
energy  back,  and the medipack at the bottom-right of the screen stayed
there the remaining time left after I pressed Select.

When  I went back to the Inventory screen, the medipack was still there!
Yeeeesss, two medipacks for one!

I  haven't  tried  it more that once, because I completed it and started
writing  this  article.   So, you might be able to do it more that once.
So,  get the medipack and press Select instantly, then use the medipack,
and  press Select as quick as you can again, and use the medipack again,
keep doing it - it might work.

I haven't got the full game yet, so I don't know if you can do this with
the other stuff you can collect.  Probably.

Oh,  here's  a  cheat from my Console Cheat Compendium V1.00 (cheats for
the PSX, Saturn and N64)...

Go  to  the  Inventory screen and enter:  L1, /\, L2, R2, R2, R2, L2, ()
and L1.

Anyway,  there  where  only  little  things  I (yes, *I* found them both
myself  (except  for  the  last cheat)!) found, just thought I'd mention
them .....
